Saturday, December 7, 2013

Speed Simself - Update 2.4

It was nice having a few days off to sit around doing whatever we want, no studying allowed!

Savannah got a commission from the administration to paint some murals in the quad, but this one chick wouldn't leave her alone.

She figured out a surefire way for her to get the hint.

No pun intended. =D

She just wanted to scare the girl, not kill her, so she did the nice thing and tried to put her out.

The girl didn't want to wait around for that though and ran away as fast as possible. 

Back at the dorm I was starting to notice a trend among our dorm mates: they all stink! Sheesh, how hard is it to take a shower?

Cooking is one of the skills you can learn as a Fine Arts major so Savannah made us a nice "congrats you didn't fail!" dinner.

It was really good! Neither of my parents are exactly chefs so it was a nice change of pace. You can see her giving the evil eye to the stinky woman in front of her. I thought maybe the showers were broken but nope, personal hygiene just must not be a top priority. 

Tamsin wasn't with us for dinner because she got invited to another party.

From what I hear she had so much to drink she passed out!

"Ow, my head!"

With lowered inhibitions she decided to go streaking. Only the thing is, she forgot to take off all her clothes!

Later that night I found her trying to sunbathe (moonbathe?) outside in front of the mailbox

Eventually she fell asleep out there.

"Uh, hi Erik. My head hurts."

"You know I love you, but it's late and I really need to get some sleep. Can we hang out tomorrow or something?

Erik has always been a good brother. He didn't seem offended at all, just popped back into his urn so Tamsin could rest.

School started back and we finally finished the group science project! I got so many nerd points I became a genius. That should really help me become a chess Grand Master.

 As always, Tamsin attended a lot of parties. She met this guy at one and they couldn't stop staring at each other.

One of her friends dared her to kiss him, so she did! I'm pretty sure Nikolas (her BF back home) is not going to be pleased when he finds out.