Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Crazy Cat Lady - Chapter 4 (Cute Kitten Edition)

Everyone say, "Awwwwwww!" It's cute kitten overload!

Katie spent a lot of her non-working hours getting to know the new kittens, seeing as being friends with them was crucial to her lifetime happiness.

Hazel, on the other hand, took some much deserved naps. 

Ah, a food bowl that hasn't been emptied by kittens yet! Score! 

Apparently kittens can't use the stairs? I didn't realize that and put all the beds upstairs in Katie's bedroom so they just started sleeping everywhere. 

It was hazel's birthday! Katie gave her smooches just in case she missed it while she was at work. 

Abrez is a pretty good dad and loves to play with his kittens.

Hazel decided to go out into the yard and catch herself a birthday present.

Unfortunately along with the beetle, she also caught fleas! Which show up as little black balls floating around I guess. I never really play with pets.

It's really hard to get all the cats in one picture, especially since I can't tell them where to go! Four at once seems to be the max I see.

Katie's boss is a celebrity, so this green elf paparazzi dude shows up sometimes. I think he looks pretty cool but she won't talk to him. She still hasn't socialized with anyone but her cats!

Poor Hazel has to get a flea bath on her birthday. =( Even though she was with all those kittens earlier the fleas haven't spread thank goodness.

Birthday sparkles!

Aw, isn't she precious?

Once Katie became BFFs with Minnie I put her up for adoption. In hindsight I'm probably not allowed to put pets up for adoption since she didn't wish for it. Oops. I'm about two updates ahead right now and put another one up for adoption before I realized this. Originally I thought I would just keep one kitten but now I'll keep both and any other kittens she has in the future.

Abrez thought he'd give hunting a try himself.

He looks so pleased with himself!

Bonus cute picture of one of the kittens doing a flip with the yarn ball.