Saturday, November 9, 2013

Speed Simself - Update 2.2

Recap: Roran was revealed as the Gen 2 heir when he, Tamsin, Erik, and his girlfriend Savannah headed off to college. They spent the first day mostly goofing around their dorm and the student union. Unfortunately Erik died tragically when a vending machine fell on him. Everyone was very upset but Erik, ever a fan of Dumbledore, thought death was but the next great adventure and was content to move on.
Tamsin probably took Erik's death the hardest. That night she went to a party at one of the fraternities and may have had a bit too much to drink.

From what I understand she was actually kind of a party pooper, crying a lot and reading out of Erik's science textbook.

When she finally got home she refused to sleep in the room she was supposed to share with our brother. It was just too empty.

Savannah and I were also pretty upset, obviously. We spent a lot of time sitting in front of the bonfire outside.

Well, I guess we weren't only sitting.

 I guess we were just trying to comfort each other.

It wasn't exactly the circumstances I had wanted for our first time but I'm glad I have a girl that loves me.

 The next night Tamsin worked it out with one of our dorm mates to switch rooms. It was early in the semester so the other girl hadn't unpacked completely and settled in yet anyway.

I spent a lot of time trying to distract myself from the pain by upgrading random objects in the dorm.

One day I was distracted all right and almost missed my class! Yet I still couldn't stop thinking about Erik.

I thought exercising might help clear my head. It wasn't something I enjoyed doing but with my genetics my weight seems to creep up on me no matter what I do.

Other than missing our brother the semester was going well, thankfully. I don't think I could take any more heartache. Tamsin was always a good student and spent a lot of time studying.

Savannah was really learning a lot in her classes, even though a lot of other students thought it would be an easy A.

I got to spend time in front of the comic book store analyzing my brain which was pretty cool.

Tamsin was making new friends. When she wasn't studying she was at a party or the student union playing juice pong.

Unfortunately she wasn't very good haha!

One night Erik's ghost popped out of his urn in Tamsin's room.

"You came back! I thought I'd be afraid of ghosts but I'm so glad to see you!"

"I missed you too, Tammy"

"Dude, I can't believe you died!"

"Yeah, but being a ghost isn't too bad. It's actually kinda fun!"

"Sucks that there's no arcade in the underworld though. I'll have to take to Hades about that."

The next day Savannah tried to draw him in her sketchpad, but she's still not that good of an artist. Liam is the one with facial hair, not Erik! But I know she'll get better and you don't have to draw to be a magician anyway.