Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Speed Simself - Update 2.5

Sometimes Erik comes out at night not to visit, but just to be there with his twin. I'm not sure Tamsin even knows he's there. I was thinking we'd keep his urn in the house or buy a family burial plot/mausoleum, but maybe she'd like to keep it. 

Later she was outside throwing some of his old vials into the bonfire when she acquired enough nerd rep to become frugal.

She had been thinking a lot about what happened at the party, what she wanted, and what would be fair to Nikolas. In the end she decided to break up with him. She just didn't think they had what Savannah and I do, and didn't want to be tied down this young.

One day she was hanging out at the student union studying with Bernie. 

She had always thought he was kind of cute so she decided to find out if he had a girlfriend.

Turns out he didn't, so she kissed him. Who knows if anything will come of it.

 I really love my sister and I'm glad we're close enough she feels comfortable telling me these things. 

Later she was at another party, doing keg stands with this guy Scot.

Again she asked if he had a girlfriend, this had become important for her to find out.

Then she sent me a drunk text, because you know why not I guess.

Kissed this guy too.

I guess he responded well because she invited him back to our dorm after the party was over.

No idea whose bed this is, hope they don't mind. Tamsin can probably talk her way out of it.

Finally, it was finals day! Good luck charms for everybody.

Thinking about the new computer I'm going to buy myself if I pass.

Savannah thought she did pretty well. Either way it was a relief to be done with the semester.

It was raining and she was impatient to get back home but these poor souls would not get out of her way.

I bet they'll move next time.

My final was later in the day so I figured i'd give painting a shot. After all a few of my other family members are pretty artsy. It's something I obviously did not inherit.

Heck yeah! Think I did it!

Not surprisingly Tamsin did well too.

Savannah made a celebratory dinner for us again, this time hamburgers. 

Everyone loved it.

After that we just kind of hung out. Savannah levitated her pool cue, the show off.

Lit the bonfire one last time. Living in a dorm has it's perks but I hope we can rent our own place next semester.

And in the morning our report cards came...

All A's!!

And now we're on our way home for a much needed break. Can't wait to see the rest of my family again.