Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Speed Simself - Update 1.6

Now that the kids had starting aging up to young adult we knew graduation would soon be upon us, as well as university! They were mostly good about studying and doing what they could to get scholarships. 

Erik however, would rather get his groove on!

Ceilidh was very excited about her child birthday.

But being frugal now, she opted not to have a party and just celebrate with family.

As a birthday present she got her very own tablet and started studying photography right away. Isn't she the cutest?

Erik learned this new thing from his nerd friends, I think he called it mind meld? We were supposed to learn something about each other by doing this weird secret handshake thing but it didn't work. Could it be possible as I've grown older I'm just not nerdy enough anymore?

Josh has been spending a lot of time working on his art and he's getting really good! I'm so proud of him, he's painted two masterpieces and everything. We're finally getting to a comfortable place financially with his recent sales.

To celebrate achieving his lifetime wish he completed the portraits of  the whole family and hung them in the study. We moved the prom pictures to the opposite wall.

Cassandra thinks there's no point in going to college if she wants to be in the music career, so went off to her first day of work. I think it could still help but she's an adult now and can make her own choices. 

Woohoo it's mah birthday!

Uhg, maybe we shouldn't have celebrated so much. My new elder back is killing me!

Josh can't wait to retire and get that pension money. I don't think you actually get a pension if you're self employed, but I'm not going to rain on his parade quite yet.

Getting used to his new achy body is depressing enough!

One good thing about getting old is you have plenty of time to play video games! We're gonna see if we can find Nessy in the water around the Deeprun Tram later.

Birthday time again! Savannah came over but she's already had her adult birthday. This made Roran even more excited to grow up since their romantic actions are far more limited with him still being a teen.

I can really see the resemblance to his father, although it's been a looong time since Josh had that much hair! He picked up the charismatic trait. 

Liam spent most of his teen time left trying to get a girlfriend but had no luck again. By the time he got around to blowing out his candles the full moon had come out and most of the guests had gone home.

Sigh. He became a party animal and wants to be a rock star! I guess this is his desperate attempt to get girls' attention. 

Even at my age I'm still pretty childish. I love goofing around with Ceilidh while she's still so little. It won't be long until she grows up and is ready to leave the nest like her siblings.

Speaking of which, today was graduation. Cassi was voted Most Artistic, Tamsin Most Popular, Erik Most Likely to Offend Others, Roran Most Likely to Never Leave the House, and (sigh) Liam Most Likely to be a Rock Star.

Of course we had to get a family picture with everyone in their robes! Sadly the photographer at the courthouse kinda sucks. You can see Liam in the back wearing his sideways baseball cap instead of his actual cap. 

After the ceremony we went home and the kids (well, adults now I guess) took the university aptitude test to see how many credits they had earned and whether they would get any scholarships. Savannah came over too because she intends to go to the same school as Liam.

It wasn't long before the moving van got there to take my babies away. I already miss them like crazy but I know getting their degree is important to them. I can't wait to see them again during break!