Friday, August 29, 2014

Love is a Riddle - Chapter 14

I guess Severus decided to prove me wrong and start working on his LTW after all! Let's see if he ever completes his first painting.

He had only just gotten started on his painting when the action got cancelled for graduation. Tom hardly ever had to ask Severus to do his homework, ever since his first day of school he would usually do it on his own.

After graduation he decided to stay behind at city hall and build an evil snowman. Oh Severus, you can't fool me, I know you're a big softy at heart. Always.

Liz, on the other hand, read a book on her tablet in her super warm formal wear until she was almost frozen.

Another skill challenge in the bag (+5 points)!

More prom spam. Bellatrix and Salazar were voted Prom Queen and King respectively, Salazar picked up a romantic interest but Bellatrix didn't have any luck. Maybe having her break up with the other dude was a bit hasty.

I guess you can carve pumpkins autonomously after all! 

Severus finished his first painting and was able to get $37 for it. Not too shabby considering Tom's first painting was only worth $9 or something equally pathetic.

This is Salazar's romantic interest, Misty O'Conner, who is unfortunately also a muggle. I guess Tom hasn't passed on his belief in blood purity which is actually a good thing. She does seem a bit crazy though.

They invited over several of the older kids' friends for Nymphadora's birthday so she could meet some of her new classmates. She was given the Good Sense of Humor trait which she shares with Severus.

I think she's been the hardest one to dress so far. Unlike with Salazar I do know what she wears, I just couldn't find anything that I thought looked close enough!

Ever since her adult birthday Liz has spent a lot of time in front of the mirror, checking for wrinkles. I think she looks exactly the same as before but she always seems disappointed. 

Severus is getting VERY close to maxing logic. I will be surprised if he doesn't earn me some points doing so before an heir is chosen.

Tom finally has toddlers to watch again! For a while it was only kids, and like I've mentioned before he only sees them for less than an hour before going home.

We had an opportunity to try out his brand new changing table. Why in the world is the censor for toddlers so big? It was quite difficult to get a picture where you could tell there was even a toddler there and not just a bunch of pixels. 

Woot woot! (+5 points)

The idiots are constantly conjuring apples. I checked Bellatrix's inventory and she had like 25 of them! So I bought a nectar machine so Tom could make nectar with them. Apples by themselves don't make tasty (or expensive) nectar but with time their taste and value will improve. 

'Dora playing with magic for the first time. <3

Liz was given an opportunity to read a book for her career and she's actually reading it! I have a feeling she's going to do much better in the medical career than she did in science. 

The next day she proved me right by getting a promotion already.

Bellatrix's birthday rolled around and she randomly rolled the Avant Garde trait. I gave her the Visionary LTW even though I'm not a big fan of the photography skill.

Seriously, I love her. I'm so glad she's not evil.

I used her free YA action to join the criminal career. 



  - 5 Fire
- 15 Passing Out
+20 Birth
+30 Skill Challenge
+15 Honor Roll
+20 Maxed Skill

+65 Total Points

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Love is a Riddle - Chapter 13

I got them this cauldron because magic, but I guess using it decreases your energy? Tom was fine, but then after conjuring some stuff he passed out (-5 points). I wanted to make their house look more wizardly but don't want to risk fails so back to the store it goes.

When Liz was having her adult birthday she glitched or something and blew out the candles way over there in the middle of the room. Thankfully it wasn't a big deal, she was able to age up fine and after resetting her just in case she hasn't had any other problems.

Nymphadora spent all of the night before asking for bedtime stories (as kids are wont to do), and passed out (-5 points) before she even ate her cake. You can see the poor forgotten piece on the floor by Bellatrix's chair.

The three teens went on a field trip to the mausoleum, and I got this notification. I thought it was oddly fitting that Bellatrix was the one picking up random skulls. 

Liz developed a mid life crisis after her birthday and wished to change jobs. Since she was progressing in her current career at a snail's pace I decided to use her free adult action to fulfill her wish. Her logic skill is pretty high so she joined the Medical Career.

After changing jobs she had no hope of fulfilling her lifetime wish (to become a creature-robot cross breeder) so I used her lifetime reward points to change it to World Renowned Surgeon.

 It's time for Severus's young adult birthday! I love the crazy look on Bellatrix's face in this picture.

 He randomly rolled the Artistic trait and chose the Illustrious Author lifetime wish. I was a bit conflicted when picking his lifetime wish. Should I do something he can start working on right away as an idiot? Or something that would make things easier if he became heir? I eventually settled on the latter and picked something he could do from home while taking care of his eventual children.

Since he wouldn't be earning much as an author or painter while uncontrolled I used his free YA action to get him a job in the education career. Everglow Academy might not be Hogwarts, but close enough.

What's an update without an alien abduction?

To get his mind off being probed I bought Salazar a sculpting station and used his free teen action to get started.

Tom has finally grown his first life fruit! Immortality is within his grasp! It's not necessary now that he got milk from the cow plant, but it's still nice to have. For now I'm putting the fruit in one of those alchemy display cases that came with supernatural so he doesn't use them as fertilizer, but I'm considering putting them in his inventory after gen 2 starts to see if he will autonomously eat them and live forever. =D

When I bought the sculpting station I also bought a guitar since I know sims will autonomously pick them up and start earning skill points. Salazar played it for a bit and got a skill point, but so far hasn't bothered to play it a second time.

New family photo means it must be Snowflake Day!

I used MOO to make room for more pictures. I think I have enough room now to at least get through this generation. There's a chance the heir might want to remodel anyway.

Tom invited Bellatrix's love interest over for Snowflake Day and I used her free teen action to tell him she just wanted to be friends. Another prom would happen before her birthday and I'm hoping she will start dating someone who is a witch. It's bad enough that Severus is dating a muggle without her dating one too.

It kinda looks like the poor chap is pouting in this picture of their gift giving party. 

There must have been a good end of summer sale on parasols because the family got three of them, along with a chess table, doll house, flowerpot lamp, gnome, guitar, sail lamp, and everyone's favorite - coal.



  - 5 Fire
- 15 Passing Out
+20 Birth
+25 Skill Challenge
+10 Honor Roll
+20 Maxed Skill

+55 Total Points

Friday, August 15, 2014

Love is a Riddle - Chapter 12

I should have included this at the bottom of Chapter 11, but for some reason didn't so I'm putting it here. (+10 points)

One of the kids actually using the toys I bought for them!

Liz, Severus, and Bellatrix all playing with magic. I love it! Nymphadora is hanging out in the playpen learning how to talk here and there while Salazar watches TV.

Another one (+10 points)! Two maxed skills down, one to go before Tom completes his LTW.

Tom has reached level 4 of the daycare career, which means he can watch children now along with toddlers. This means he only has one toddler during the day (plus his own). The children are supposed to come home from school and do their homework, but for some reason don't get there until a little after 6 when they leave at 7. So basically he never sees them.

Liz played so many video games they let her get an extra trait. I picked green thumb hoping she would get a few points so she can get another promotion faster.

Somehow Bellatrix got singed. I think maybe on a field trip? I can't tell her to take a shower so she is just stuck this way until she does it herself.

The lady that was eaten by the cow plant haunts the house now and eats their leftovers. When the guy died in the fire near the beginning of the generation his headstone vanished from the lot and went to the graveyard or whatever, but her's stayed. 

Birthday time for Nymphadora! I will miss having a toddler in the game, especially since there is a while to go before the next gen takes over. 

She randomly rolled the Athletic trait.

Being athletic now she is always asking her dad to play catch.

At the Fall Festival they have free pumpkins! A few of the kids had wishes to carve a pumpkin so Tom got some while also leveling his gardening a bit more.

Nymphadora loved the broom riding arena, none of the other Riddles did anything interesting.

Yep, Bellatrix is still singed in their new family photo. /facepalm

I'm starting to run out of room on these counters. I will have to come up with a new solution soon!

Tom put out the pumpkins he harvested and started carving one himself, but I guess you can't carve them autonomously because no one else touched them.

They invited some teens over for a costume party in order to encourage socialization but it didn't work out very well. They all kind of did their own thing after listening to the ghost story. 

Honor roll again! I'm not sure if you can get points for the same kid twice, so I'm only going to add points for Severus (+5 points).

After the party Severus got a call from this girl Zoe Durwood asking him to prom. Since it was a yes/no pop up I answered yes for him.

Here is Zoe, Severus, and Salazar in the limo. Bellatrix went as well but she didn't show up in the car.

Prom spam! TL;DR version: Zoe and Severus kissed then started going steady, Bellatrix got a romantic interest named Juan-Marco then got in a fight, and Salazar won Prom King.

Bellatrix got abducted, again, and the cow plant died because no one fed it. It's okay we shouldn't need more milk for a while. They can always buy a new one if necessary. 

Everyone (other than Nymphadora) has started cooking instead of getting leftovers out of the fridge so they have way too much food. Thankfully Liz had enough lifetime reward points saved up to get the fireproof reward so they can't accidentally start a fire.

The points are really starting to add up now! (+5 points)



  - 5 Fire
  - 5 Passing Out
+20 Birth
+25 Skill Challenge
+10 Honor Roll
+20 Maxed Skill

+65 Total Points