After reading some of the other ISBIs I was surprised when Liz didn't turn out to be a complete failure as a mother.
Rules say Tom must have at least two kids, so come on baby #2!
Here is Liz again not failing as a mother and changing Severus's dirty diaper.
Then she even put him in the swing and turned it on slow!
Baby #2 is officially on it's way. Let's see if she can keep this up with two littles.
In order for her to not starve or set the house on fire I've started pulling leftovers out of the fridge and using the "call to meal" option when she gets hungry.
The newspaper boy yelled at them about leaving so many papers on the lawn so Liz went and cleaned them up. Tom really did pick a winner!
When one of the girls Tom was watching got hungry I thought Liz might help out and feed her. Nope, she just kept picking her up and putting her in the play pen then picking her up again so Tom couldn't get to her. I guess she is a bit of an idiot after all.
The other toddler Tom was watching is green like Severus! I didn't expect to see another green person in Isla Paradiso. Maybe they can grow up to be friends.
Speaking of Severus, it was his birthday! I'm glad he got Liz's purple hair.
Aw, after Severus's birthday Tom autonomously went over and kissed Liz. <3
Tom got right to work on Severus's toddler skills so hopefully they'd be done before baby #2 showed up.
The green girl (should have written her name down) got left really late. The daycare closes at 7 I think but she didn't get picked up until about 2am. Severus got to play with her some before she left.
Our first alien abduction! I'm hoping we don't have as bad of an alien problem as The Kooks do. No pregnancy this time.
I used Severus's free toddler action to start learning how to talk in the play pen.
Liz has started playing chess on the computer. I like how when she does it actually looks like she's reading a book. Some of the laptop animations look quite odd. Maybe we can even get a maxed skill out of her someday?
Labor time! This time they opted for a home birth so I wouldn't have to worry about getting a baby sitter.
Bellatrix was born with the Hates the Outdoors and Loves the Cold traits.
- 5 Fire
+ 10 Birth
+15 Skill Challenge
+20 Total Points