Saturday, June 29, 2013

What I've Been Up To

Before I get started with an update on my sims, just wanted to let you know I'm giving away two copies of a book on my main blog. I enjoyed it bunches so you should go enter!

I recently purchased Dragon Valley so I've been playing there instead of with my legacy family. I'm really loving the place and have binned most of the community lots so I can use them in Moonlight Falls instead of the ones I binned originally when I was cleaning the place out. I also want to add a bunch of aliens to my legacy town so I have a save going where I'm collecting them. I've moved in four aliens so far, but only one of them is a woman. I'm hoping to get at least eight even if that means she has to have four kids.

For my Dragon Valley family I decided to make some Game of Thrones sims. I haven't been taking screenshots like I would for a story family which is probably good because then I'd have enough for several updates! I've mostly just taken pics of everyone.

Arya started off as a teen, with the Brave, Rebellious, Daredevil, and Loves the Cold traits. I think she was the hardest to find clothes for since most of my medieval clothing is more girly than she would willingly wear.

Dany has the Brave, Good, Family-Oriented, Loves the Heat, and Ambitious traits. Her LTW is Leader of the Free World and is currently in the political career. 

Jon has the Brave, Loves the Cold, Charismatic, Athletic, and Ambitious traits. Since I am a Dany/Jon shipper his LTW is also Leader of the Free World and thus is in the political career. I downloaded him from here but changed all his outfits other than everyday. 

Ghost's traits are Hunter, Loyal, and Proud.

Gendry has the Handy, Athletic, Proper, Born Salesman, and Friendly traits. His LTW is Renaissance Sim. I made him as an afterthought so at first he wasn't living in the same house and didn't have a job. I've since moved him in and he's in the military career but I'm thinking of making him a self employed gardener instead. I can't think of any professions that are really appropriate. 

Arya and Gendry attended the Summer Festival while Dany and Jon were on a free vacation.

The entered the hotdog eating contest and not surprisingly Arya won.

They all made it to the fall festival. Jon and Dany are engaged and Dany is pregnant. Gendry and Arya are romantic interests but he's too proper to take it farther than that with a teen.

Dany gave birth to a little boy named Rhaegar. He takes after both his parents with the Loves the Cold and Loves the Heat traits. 

Pretty crappy screenshot of Rhaegar after his birthday.

With their son a little older Jon and Dany took the opportunity to get married. 

I hate how they changed to their outerwear to cut the cake. Too bad there's no room inside the church for the reception. 

Arya playing tug-of-war with Ghost.

Then because she's a crazy Stark she made a snow angel in her bathing suit. I guess this is a Loves the Cold thing since she's not insane.

Rhaegar as a child. He picked up the Excitable trait.

The family at the winter festival. I think Dany plans to be pregnant at all the festivals lol.

Their second son is named Aerys and has the Genius and Friendly traits.

Arya after she aged up to Young Adult. Her and Gendry are officially an item now. She got the Genius trait and the Medical LTW, can't remember exactly what it's called. Since there isn't anything close to what she's actually learning to do I figured she would just be a doctor who really believes in euthanasia. 

Arya's graduation. She changed out of her robes in between their house and City Hall because of the stupid cold.

Aerys as a toddler.