Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Moving In

Meet Adam and Eve Idris. Adam is a witch with traits Bookworm, Handy, Genius, Artistic, and Computer Whiz. His Lifetime Wish is Profession Author. Eve is human with traits Loves the Outdoors, gatherer, Eco-Friendly, Nurturing, and Green Thumb. Her Lifetime Wish is The Perfect Garden. I started out with the combo diner/grocery store and have built a consignment shop but I don't have any screenshots of those yet.

Here is their newly built house from the outside. After building this and buying the two lots we were down to about $319,000.

Inside of the house.

Once settled in Adam decided to hit the books to learn handiness.

Eve ran to the grocery store to pick up some fruits and vegetables to plant in her new garden.

Adam tested out his newly learned skill on the sink so they wouldn't need to spend valuable time cleaning it. As you can see he needed to do the same to the toilet next!

He soon figured out how to upgrade the sprinklers so they would come on automatically.

With that job done he decided to start bringing in some income through writing short non-fiction books.

Eve wants a baby, and convinced Adam it was the right time but unfortunately it was not to be. Maybe next cycle?

She spent her time tending her garden and finding seeds while waiting for the opportunity to tend to a child of her own.

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