Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Love is a Riddle - Chapter 11

Even though there were plenty of leftovers in the fridge, Severus just had to cook him some waffles. Thankfully no fire!

Instead of a birthday cake Bella gets... autumn salad? Who knew she was so health conscious! 

I love, love, love how she turned out. Even though her hair and skin color are all wrong and she has a pudding face I think she still looks like Bellatrix! Thank you, create-a-style. She randomly rolled the Photographer's Eye trait. 

Severus this time, and no alien baby for us.

Well that certainly didn't take very long... I thought it would take much longer for someone to go into the fence when the plant was hungry and when it was unlocked. Looks like this was a wise investment!

Tom didn't waste anytime drinking this miraculous potion that would give him eternal life! Who needs horcruxes when you've got cow plants? Well actually I suppose a death flower would be a closer equivalent. This just resets his elder life stage back to the beginning.

Bellatrix get's a ride on the spaceship. 

On Leisure Day they all went down to the Summer Festival. Because they are such good parents, Tom and Liz left Nymphadora sitting in the grass next to the photo booth while they got in a water balloon fight with Bellatrix and Severus.

Afterwards Tom played some soccer with Salazar. Liz and the teens went home but left Nymphadora in the grass for Tom to pick up before going home himself.

Updated family picture time! The family sure has changed a lot since last Leisure Day.

Bellatrix finally figured out she's a witch, and thought her parents bedroom while they were sleeping would be the perfect place to practice.

It only took until two of her kids were teenagers and the third almost one for Liz to get her first promotion! Even though they have a garden now she won't touch it.

Speaking of almost being a teenager, Salazar randomly rolled the Savvy Sculptor trait.

Why does he always age up with girl hair?!

Since I don't really know what Salazar would wear, I figured I would take the opportunity to use some of my Movie Stuff clothes. 

Immediately after Salazar aged to teen it was Nymphadora's turn to become a toddler.

I used her free toddler action to learn how to walk.

How many alien abductions can we get in one post? Bellatrix again.

After the aliens dropped her back off she ran in and cleaned the tub. I guess they made her feel dirty with all the probing so she just had to clean something.

Later Tom teaches Nymphadora how to use the potty. Salazar isn't actually using the bathroom, he just likes to sit on the toilet for some reason.

He's taken up a bit of gardening as well. So far he only waters the plants but he's gotten a skill point.

Yay another skill challenge (+5 points)! Other than births it seems like it's been a while since we've gotten any points.


  - 5 Fire
  - 5 Passing Out
+20 Birth
+20 Skill Challenge
+  5 Honor Roll

+35 Total Points