Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Speed Simself - Update 1.1

Meet Tasha my simself and her/my husband Josh. I have the traits Hates the Outdoors, Night Owl, Bookworm, Childish, and Heavy Sleeper. My LTW is Surrounded by Family. Josh has the traits Hates the Outdoors, Couch Potato, Genius, Snob, and Computer Whiz. His LTW is Illustrious Author.

I start learning how to cook by making mac and cheese while Josh creates his first not so good painting.

Maybe writing will go better than painting?

Yay our first child! Thankfully we're much more fertile in the sims than real life. =D

It sucks having crappy furniture, plumbing, and appliances. Everything keeps breaking!  Thankfully Josh is pretty handy.

Baby is coming!

Meet Cassandra, who is artistic and a couch potato like her father.

More on the way! Can't space them out too far if we want to get to five.

Cassandra as a toddler. She's got Daddy's hair and Mommy's eyes.

Ow! That was a strong contraction!

It's twins! Tamsin Loves the Outdoors, is a heavy sleeper, got her hair from her mama and eyes from her daddy.

Erik is friendly and hates the outdoors like his parents. He has my eyes and blond hair, which coincidentally I had until probably middle school when it turned brown!

Thankfully the same day the twins were born Cassandra aged into a child! I don't think three cribs would have fit in our small house. She picked up the genius trait.