Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wedding Bells

 A big thanks to Lenei14 from the Sims 3 forums for telling me about the free camera mode or whatever it's called! For those like me that haven't heard of it, pressing tab in game lets you get pictures of all sorts of angles that you can't using the regular camera. I didn't know about it until after I got the pictures for this update so there aren't any examples here, but there definitely will be next update!

Eve reached the top of the gardening career and was awarded the family's first trophy.

Brenna, Lucky, and Broderick all had a fantastic time at prom. 

While there Brenna met Tanisha Reed and was smitten. She became her Romantic Interest but it hasn't progressed any further than that. 

Birthdays! Adam goes first and Eve follows.

Eve: "I love birthdays!" Adam: "As long as there's cake."

Eve: "I changed my mind, birthdays suck."

After makeovers.

Broderick and Lucky also celebrated their birthday that day.

Broderick: "I'm an adult now, which means I can vote! Saxon FTW!" He picked up the Eco Friendly trait and the Private Eye LTW.

Lucky is so easily impressed he was happy with just a change of pants. His LTW is to be a Celebrated Five Star Chef.

Now that they were young adults, Broderick decided it was finally time to pop the question! Of course Lucky said yes.

 Now that Adam and Eve have become elders with a grandkid on the way, they decided to pass the torch. It only made sense that Bran and Toffee get the master suite with nursery.

"So you guys are postponing the wedding until after the baby comes, right?"
"Yeah, we're thinking maybe Love Day instead of Spooky Day."

"Well you know Broderick just proposed..."

"Would you mind terribly if we got married that day instead? I mean people have already planned to come and the 'rents can't get their deposit back on the decorations and catering." 

"Of course! I think that would be absolutely wonderful!"

After finishing his last book, a biography for a local resident, Adam took the plunge and retired!

While his father was ending his career, Branson was busy improving his.

A time machine! Bran was both excited and scared of all the possibilities. 

For his achievement City Hall awarded him a medal of honor.

Brenna had finally mastered enough skill to make non-melting ice sculptures! Adam wished his sculpture could have been done before he got so old but he's proud of his daughter nonetheless. 

Brenna still thought it was weird to age up after her twin brother. By now it didn't even seem like they were twins anymore.

She's embraced her supernaturalness and became a night owl. Her LTW is to be a Renaissance Sim. "I like vampires now. Vampires are cool."

"Hello little baby, how ya doing in there? It must be a boy because he doesn't seem to be listening."

Before long it was graduation day! Lucky was Valedictorian and thus quite confused when his classmates voted him Most Likely to be Mediocre. Both Brenna and Broderick graduated with Highest Honor and were voted Most artistic and Most Likely to Save the world respectively. 

Eve might have been having a bit of an end of life crisis and took up riding her motorcycle in the rain. 

Adam on the other hand used his time to hone the skills he didn't have time for before retirement. 

After graduation Lucky nervously applied for his first job at the oldest business in town with Broderick there for moral support. Lucky was hired right away as a kitchen scullion! It was low paying but a step in the right direction. 

Brenna went the route of her parents and oldest brother and registered as a self employed painter.

Broderick took his first case as a Private Investigator, interviewing residents about a missing schoolbus. 

It was finally Spooky Day! Braelyn went out Trick or Treating early so she could be back in time for her brother's wedding.

The wedding was a simple ceremony in the back yard. 

Not even the rain could spoil their day.