Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mischief Managed - Chapter 10

Something good came out of the meteor strike! They aren't hurting for money currently but could always use more.

Both boys managed to get in their beds and were asleep at the same time! No bedtime stories! It's a miracle. 

Gilderoy is also a fan of the Into the Future shower.

Hermione got another promotion already!

While on a field trip to the mausoleum one of the boys got a Genie Lamp. I think I'll keep it for gen 2.

Hermione spends quite a bit of time watching her littles when they are in the swing. 

She even asked Regulus to take out the trash! Good job parenting, Hermione.

Right in the middle of the hallway when people are trying to get through is the perfect place to do your homework. >.<

The last baby of generation one is on it's way!

I didn't even notice this dirty spot in the car park until Regulus went to clean it up. I guess it's from the meteor strike. 

Just because they don't need to try for anymore babies doesn't mean they stopped wanting to woohoo.

I finally got their Imaginary Friend dolls out of the mailbox. Let's see how bad of an idea this will turn out to be. 

It's always nice to see sims in an ISBI eating at the same time. 

It's Snowflake Day which means new family picture! I still don't know why they look so dark on this wall. I even got one of the buydebug lights and put it right over them, but it didn't help. 

Harry went straight home and took a turn rocking Oliver. 

Gilderoy got himself a snack from the food stand while Regulus built himself an igloo. 

After his snack Gilderoy made his way to the ice skating rink. He ran into a lady wearing only a bathing suit! She must be insane. 

Before long it was time for Oliver's birthday. He got brown eyes like most of his siblings. I figure Oliver in the books had a lot of house pride so put him in a Future Gryffindor shirt. 

Potty training again happened right away. 

Lily actually maxed one of the toddler skilling objects! This is the first time any of the toddlers have played with any one object long enough. 

Oliver would rather play with his IF doll than do anything else.

Regulus has made it a point to steal candy from each of his younger siblings at least once. 

Hermione still loves her rocking chair just as much as always. 

The idiots do such a good job keeping the house clean I don't even need Harry to perform the Restoration Ritual!

I'm glad I went with the Medical career for Hermione, since it needs logic and she likes to play chess (both using the board and on the computer). I'm surprised we haven't had any alien abductions yet! Hope I didn't just jinx it. 

It was Gilderoy's turn to ask for bedtime stories all night long. 

Hermione makes just enough food for them to always have leftovers, but not so much that food goes bad before they can eat it. 

On Lily's birthday she rolled Lucky to go along with her other traits Slob and Genius. I based her clothes off this picture with Snape.

+25 Skill Challenge
+40 Lifetime Wish
+20 Birth
+10 Maxed Skill
- 10 Self Urination 
- 20 Breaking a Rule
-   5 Passing Out
+60 Total Points