
This is the blog for any Sims legacy I'm currently playing. Below are the descriptions/rules for each.

Adam and Eve

This story follows the basic rules of the Adam and Eve Challenge. In short you start off with one couple of young adults who are given $500,000. The entire neighborhood is cleared out, no other houses or community lots other than a grocery store (which the couple must buy). Other than providing the initial funds no other cheats are allowed for the duration of the game. The object of the challenge is to build the town up using the family funds over many generations. While not part of the challenge rules, I have decided that only one community lot can be built per additional family member. For the full rule please see the link above.

Speed Simself

This story started out with my Simself and an approximate Simhusband. The main rule is their lifespan must be kept on short! I normally play on a long lifespan of about 200 days so this is quite a challenge for me. I currently have the slider turned all the up on each age other than baby and perhaps toddler for a lifespan of 50 days. Each child must have at least one trait from each parent by the time they are adults, if parents share a trait that can be used for both. Like in most legacies adoption is allowed but they are not eligible for heir. No cheats for obtaining money! Other cheats like make friends for me, make all happy, etc are allowed. I started off with no cheats but since I had so many kids started cheating for their needs. The plan going forward is to give everyone 150,000 lifetime reward points to make things easier but to stop using other cheats.

Crazy Cat Lady Wishacy

A Wishacy is a legacy where you are only allowed to direct your sims to do actions that fulfill their wishes, everything else is left up to high free will. You can read the official rules here. Since I usually play with the Woohooer mod, autonomous risky is turned on and risky is substituted for normal woohoo so it's more like real life. Try for baby will only be used if someone has had a have a baby wish for a while and risky hasn't fulfilled it.