Thursday, December 31, 2015

Mischief Managed - Chapter 15

Gilderoy likes to dance with the sunflower that gives Harry fertilizer for his plants. 

One of the first things Fleur did after aging up was start to paint! I love it when idiots work on their skills. 

Now that there aren't any babies or toddlers in the house, Harry took all his harvestables to the consignment store. He made so much money the city gave him a trophy!

At the same time Hermione was getting off work, and maxed her career (+15).

Then she came home and worked on her logic skill for a while because she's awesome.


Now that she's a child, Fleur can take part in the bedtime story then passing out tradition (-5 points)

Happy Birthday, Gilderoy! He rolled Shy as his trait.

These kids are figuring out they are magical pretty early into their teenage years. 

Harry worked on his athletic some more while Lily read a book.

Oliver, the bed is literally right there! (-5)

Somebody always has to be playing video games on the laptop.

Poor Regulus got abducted by aliens. 

I'll forgive this bladder failure considering your recent run-in with aliens, but only this one time. (-5)

Thankfully Lily earns us some of those points back by getting on the honor roll! (+5)

I took out all their beds and gave them Super Sleepers so they would stop asking for bedtime stories and passing out.

I also gave them all sleeping bags so they have no excuse for passing out now!

I forgot about Harry and Hermione's bed though so Oliver still asked for a bedtime story. As soon as Hermione woke up I replaced it with two super sleepers too!

Three sims working on skills at the same time, such a lovely sight. <3

Harry finally maxed his athletic skill! (+10)

The sleeping bags are a big hit.

Hermione has been working on her cooking skill as well.

Now that his athletic is maxed, Harry gets new toys to play with! Let's take all the fruit he's harvested and turn it into nectar. 

First gotta magically upgrade the nectar machines, though.

The bad thing about the sleeping bags is sometimes people sleep right in front of stuff, like the fridge, so no one can eat until they wake up.

One of the kids actually found the playground I built for them!

Fleur finished her painting, worth $36. 

+30 Skill Challenge
+40 Lifetime Wish
+25 Birth
+20 Maxed Skill
+15 Honor Roll
+15 Maxed Career
- 20 Self Urination 
- 20 Breaking a Rule
- 20 Passing Out
+85 Total Points

Mischief Managed - Chapter 14

Now that he's a big kid Oliver gets to ask for bedtime stories! Yay?

Gilderoy made himself another muffin using the toy oven, I'm still waiting for some of the other kids to come up here.

Woot woot! Only one more level to go!

Regulus rolled the Rebellious trait when he became a teen.

An almost family meal! Of course they all got pushed to eat birthday cake so it's not like it was a random happenstance or anything. 

Hermione's not all cleaning, working from home, and playing chess... she kicks back and plays video games sometimes too.

The last time we'll see this interaction for a while!

They only have one computer right now, and someone is always on it playing video games. I thought about getting them another one but then there would just be two people playing video games all the time.

At least Lily still likes to read. Too bad it's not a skill book! Not that kids can read most skill books anyway...

Regulus: NO! I will not read you a bedtime story!

Gilderoy had to ask Regulus for his bedtime story since his parents where otherwise engaged.

Now that there's another idiot capable of making food, let's see if their leftover situation gets out of hand like it did for the Riddles. 

Yay for skilling! You can see Harry working on his athletic in the background too.

You aren't officially a Potter sibling until Regulus has stolen candy from you.

Regulus figured out he's magical much earlier than I anticipated. 

Finally! Now if he could just max the skill. (+5 points)

Regulus did eventually give in and read Gilderoy that bedtime story. 

I don't know what Lily was doing with these dolls but she looks fierce!

Fleur rolled the Absent-Minded trait when she became a child. 


+30 Skill Challenge
+40 Lifetime Wish
+25 Birth
+10 Maxed Skill
+10 Honor Roll
- 15 Self Urination 
- 20 Breaking a Rule
- 10 Passing Out
+70 Total Points